ITKST47 Advanced Anomaly Detection: Theory, Algorithms and Applications (5 cr)

Study level:
Advanced studies
Grading scale:
Responsible organisation:
Faculty of Information Technology
Curriculum periods:
2017-2018, 2018-2019, 2019-2020



In the first course (ITKST42), we introduced the concept of anomalies, provided motivation for anomaly detection and explored several real-world use cases of anomalies.

We overviewed different data types, including high-dimensional data, and provided methods for pre-processing of data. We explored the different categories of anomaly detection and the different types of anomalies and presented methods for evaluation of anomaly detection methods.

We surveyed nearest neighbors based techniques and clustering based techniques techniques for anomaly detection and explored the theory behind each technique, its different categories, the pros and cons, demos and practice.

In this course (ITKST47), we will survey different techniques for advanced anomaly detection. For example, classification based techniques, statistical based techniques and spectral based techniques.

For each technique, we will explore the theory behind it, its different categories, the pros and cons, demos and practice.

We will have two mandatory assignments. The final assignment will be a Cyber Ware Game competition, where the students will implement the learnt methods to detect viruses and malwares.


We will have two mandatory assignments.

A mid-course assignment (25% of the final grade)

A final assignment (75% of the final grade)


A mid-course assignment (25% of the final grade)
A final assignment (75% of the final grade)

Learning outcomes


Description of prerequisites

Anomaly Detection: Theory, Algorithms and applications - ITKST42

Basic Matlab programing

Completion methods

Method 1

Select all marked parts
Parts of the completion methods
Unpublished assessment item