EKIS451 Shakespeare (5 cr)
Study level:
Advanced studies
Grading scale:
Responsible organisation:
Department of Language and Communication Studies
Curriculum periods:
2017-2018, 2018-2019, 2019-2020
William Shakespeare, Othello and The Winter's Tale.
Productions of the play will be shown.
Completion methods
Class contact with the course tutor and small and whole group discussion.
Assessment details
Asessment by written assignment
Learning outcomes
After completing the course the students are expected to
- be familiar with themes in these two plays including thematic connections between them, and how they are developed and presented dramatically
- be able to identify a rich variety of aspects of Shakespeare’s use of language and how it contributes to the dramatic appeal of the plays
- be able to discuss how Shakespeare’s scenes are constructed, and the consequent dramatic impact
- be familiar with the meaning of the terms Shakespearean tragedy, comedy and romance particularly as they apply to these two plays and
- understand how Shakespeare’s handling of tragedy, comedy and romance affects audience response.
- be familiar with themes in these two plays including thematic connections between them, and how they are developed and presented dramatically
- be able to identify a rich variety of aspects of Shakespeare’s use of language and how it contributes to the dramatic appeal of the plays
- be able to discuss how Shakespeare’s scenes are constructed, and the consequent dramatic impact
- be familiar with the meaning of the terms Shakespearean tragedy, comedy and romance particularly as they apply to these two plays and
- understand how Shakespeare’s handling of tragedy, comedy and romance affects audience response.
Additional information
Attendance policy. 100% attendance is usually expected. The effect of any necessary absences on that student's work will be assessed by the teacher, and where necessary extra work in compensation may be required. More than two absences may result in the student having to leave to course, if in the teacher's judgment too much has been missed. The first class and later the first class when The Winter's Tale is started are particularly important and neither should be missed.
Study materials
William Shakespeare, Othello and The Winter's Tale. Students are required to have their own hard annotated copy of the texts. The Arden editions are particularly recommended.
Other materials including some extracts from secondary sources are available in Optima.
Optional but recommended:
- Frank Kermode, Shakespeare's Language
- Emrys Jones, Scenic Form in Shakespeare (Oxford, 1971) is out of print but second-hand copies may be found, eg at The Book Depository, Amazon or Ebay.
Other materials including some extracts from secondary sources are available in Optima.
Optional but recommended:
- Frank Kermode, Shakespeare's Language
- Emrys Jones, Scenic Form in Shakespeare (Oxford, 1971) is out of print but second-hand copies may be found, eg at The Book Depository, Amazon or Ebay.
Completion methods
Method 1
Select all marked parts
Parts of the completion methods
Unpublished assessment item